Piazza del Palazzo Dipinto, 27 55100 Lucca (LU)

+39 0583 582873


Palazzo Dipinto
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Palazzo Dipinto


Palazzo Dipinto

Gift for you

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Gift for you

Book now this offer! you will enjoy a discounted rate of 10% on our best rate and as a gift an Illuminating facial  Cabin treatment of 20 min and/or  an olfactory experience to the discovery of Italian excellence fragrances.

Valid until 31 December 2024

minimum stay two nights

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An Illuminating facial Cabin treatment and/or an olfactory experience

Book now this offer! you will enjoy a discounted rate of 10% and a special gift

Piazza del Palazzo Dipinto, 27 - 55100 Lucca (LU)

VETRA REAL ESTATE S.R.L. | VIALE SAN CONCORDIO 1386 - 55100 LUCCA (LU) | Iscritta alla CCIAA di Lucca
C.F. / P.IVA / n. iscr. reg. imprese: 02098490465 | REA: LU - 197007 | Cap. Soc.: € 10.000,00 i.v. | PEC: vetraresrl@pec.it


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